

Lidar Knowledge Europe

Lidar Knowledge Europe, Innovative Training Network

LIKEfosters training and education of young researchers on emerging laser-based wind measurement technologies and their translation into industrial applications.



The Innovation Training Network Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions: Lidar Knowledge Europe (LIKE)
has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020. Grant number is 858358.

LIKE started 1 October 2019 and will be completed 30 September 2023 (4 years).
It is led by DTU Wind Energy, Denmark

ESR Projects

Early Stage Researcher (ESR) projects about wind lidar is a unique network of 15 PhD students. The research focuses on novel techniques and application of wind lidar for wind energy and wind engineering.

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The core of the LIKE training network is 15 highly qualified and skilled Early Stage Researchers, supported by their supervisors and strong academic and industrial expert network.

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The H2020 Marie Curie funding supports the LIKE project network of 10 beneficiaries to create research training opportunities jointly with the highly valuable support from 17 partner organizations, most from industry.

Find more information on Beneficiaries here

Work Packages

The LIKE project Work Packages are structured to enable high-level training in wind lidar for wind energy and wind engineering in close contact with industry. The overall aim is to provide first-class training to 15 PhD students.

Read more about our Work Packages

More About MSCA LIKE

LIKE improves, tests and refines the technology thus expanding these areas of application. LIKE promotes wind energy applications such as wind resource mapping using scanning lidars and control of single wind turbines or entire wind farms in order to increase energy production and reduce mechanical loads. LIKE maps unusual atmospheric flow patterns over airports in real-time and thus improves the safety of landing aircrafts. LIKE explores wind and turbulence under extreme conditions at the sites of future European bridges paving the road for optimal bridge design. LIKE trains 15 ESRs to an outstanding level at European academic institutions and industrial companies, thus forming strong interdisciplinary relations between industry and technical sciences. These relations are implemented through employment of the ESRs at academia as well as industry, and through intersectoral secondments.

10 FEBRUARY 2025