WP7: Digitalization and Open Science

The overall objectives of work package 7 is

  • To apply FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable) principles to data using lidar digitalization and standardization.
  • To apply Open Science principles on outputs.

The FAIR principles will be prepared for data, tools and workflows, basically digitalizing entire research lifecycle (from the data generation to data use) and interconnecting into single integral system. It will follow ongoing initiatives on the e-WindLidar and OpenLidar.

The outputs of research in LIKE from ESRs and researchers will be made available following Open Science, and be made available for the broader research community. In combination with FAIR and Open Science there will be connection to larger initiatives such as IEA Wind Task 32, EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) and RDA (Research Data Alliance).

15 DECEMBER 2024