Wei Fu

University and Institute
Technical University of Denmark, DTU Wind Energy

Start date:
15 April 2020

I was born and grown up in Beijing, China. I accomplished my Bachelor degree in aerospace engineering at Beijing Institute of Technology. In the late 2015, I moved to Germany as I started my Master study in the same major at University of Stuttgart. My main specialization was flight guidance and control. After the graduation, I worked as a lidar-assisted control engineer at a start-up company in wind energy for about eight months. Besides engineering, I love traveling and exposing myself to different languages, cultures, and landscapes; no matter they are by the sea, in the forest or in the desert.

During my master study and my previous work, I was given the opportunity to be involved in wind energy research projects. Since then, I had developed a strong interest in this field. Besides, I had some experience working with nacelle-mounted lidars and found they have a great potential for improving the energy capture of wind turbines. With the intention to leverage my experience within the field of professional scientific research, I joined DTU Wind Energy as a PhD student in April 2020. Now I am working at the campus Risø of DTU.