
I was born and raised in Tongren, Guizhou, a small but picturesque townin southwest China. I got my bachelor's degree in atmospheric science atNanjing University in 2016. Then, I started my master study at ETHZurich, Switzerland in the same major, and accomplished the degree in2019. Now I am a PhD student in the University of Bergen. During mymaster's thesis, I investigated the effect of dust on the intensity ofNorth Atlantic tropical cyclones by performing ensemble numericalsimulations.


My brother is an instructor pilot, who trains young pilots in theaviation flight school. I was always told about the complicated butregular safety procedures to reduce risks in case of turbulence andextreme weathers, especially during take-off and landing. Even if he isalways one of the best, the whole family is still worried about hissafety every time he is on duty. As an early-stage researcher inatmospheric sciences and a brother, I am excited and feel honoured todevote my research career on increasing aviation safety, makingcontributions to reduce the risk. Thus, when I was so lucky to have suchan opportunity in LIKE, I joined without a doubt.

7 MARCH 2025